Common Operating Picture (COP)



A Common Operating Picture (COP) is a computing platform based on GIS technology that provides real-time data and information for situational awareness, coordination, and communication to be shared between decision-makers, and across the world.  

For decision-makers tasked with optimizing internal business processes, it’s essential to invest in the development of an organization-wide common operational picture that’s capable of delivering the level of situational awareness needed to make well-informed, competitive decisions.

The situational awareness provided by a COP is fundamental in understanding all of the relevant aspects of an incident, and having robust situational awareness over real-time events is essential.



As more industries recognize the importance of situational awareness, many are investing in technology to deliver a COP to keep organizational stakeholders on the same page.

Our platform, Raptor, achieves total and true commonality that allows collaboration across all stakeholders accessing data using interactive web maps and GIS platforms. Raptor is a platform that permits real-time data sharing and collaboration across an unlimited number of disparate web maps.

Using GIS or geospatial mapping tools, intelligent decision making and the development of effective and valuable decision support services require collaboration between those who interpret the data (analysts/subject matter experts) and those who make decisions based on that data (managers/team leaders).




COP leverages assets to provide decision-makers with the up-to-date and accurate information they need to make critical business decisions. They are becoming a larger part of threat management strategies across both military and civilian, and both the public and private sectors.

From managing security threats to rerouting shipping fleets during supply chain disruptions, a robust COP can mean the difference between a bad decision and a good one.

Our platform, Raptor, achieves total and true commonality that allows collaboration across all stakeholders accessing data using interactive web maps and GIS platforms, and permits real-time data sharing and collaboration across an unlimited number of disparate web maps.